as i was going to write this post. i noticed on the dashboard thingy.
that i.
siera casey.
have 8 followers.
i'll be honest.
way to excited.
i had NO idea. i was even remotely cool enough to have 8 followers.
just made my week.
all of you are people i know and love greatly.
but i thank you for following me.
although i don't really like the word follow.
so i'll just say.
thank you. for reading.
i honestly have no idea what i was originally going to post tonight...that has caught me off guard in such a good way.
so i think i'll just make this post about gratitude.
the holiday craziness is finally dying down...finally.
and the world will soon say goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010 with open arms.
(at least i know i will)
so in this reflection of a year i have a couple suggestions:
-relax with the ones you love.
be it friends.
or just some much needed "me" time.
take it.
soak it up.
and be thankful.
-tell someone you love them everyday.
at least one person.
-make a list of the things this year has taught you.
i guarantee you there's at least ONE thing.
-remember that if you've got your've got your wealth.
-just be.
ok. that's all. for now.
i love you 8 readers. you guys are awesome.
and if you don't have blogs already.
get ONE.
i'll be just as loyal.
hahah you're really nice :))
we also have only 10followers and we love them a lot :))
however, loveley tattoo. What is the word on it??
i have a similar one. cool .
Here's another one for ya ;-)
"-make a list of the things this year has taught you."
Thanks...that's a great idea.
I love you! Ms. 8 Followers! Woo-hoo! Who wouldn't want to read your blog?!
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