Monday, December 28, 2009

here's a thought...

i know the "giving" part of the holidays are mostly done...

but there are still people out there waiting to "exchange"i'm sure.

may i give a suggestion?

it doesn't need to be money.
it doesn't need to be designer clothes.
it doesn't need to be gift cards up the ass.
it doesn't need to be stuff.

the greatest gift you can give someone is you.

your time.

if i could have something from all my close friends and family it would be this...

with no cell phones.
no computers.
no distractions.

quality time with YOU.

because at the end of the day.
the clothes are gonna grow old.
the electronics are gonna break.

but the time we spend. will stay with me forever.

i'm just sayin.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

magic number eight.

as i was going to write this post. i noticed on the dashboard thingy.
that i.
siera casey.
have 8 followers.
i'll be honest.
way to excited.
i had NO idea. i was even remotely cool enough to have 8 followers.

just made my week.
all of you are people i know and love greatly.
but i thank you for following me.
although i don't really like the word follow.
so i'll just say.
thank you. for reading.

i honestly have no idea what i was originally going to post tonight...that has caught me off guard in such a good way.
so i think i'll just make this post about gratitude.

the holiday craziness is finally dying down...finally.
and the world will soon say goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010 with open arms.
(at least i know i will)
so in this reflection of a year i have a couple suggestions:

-relax with the ones you love.
be it friends.
or just some much needed "me" time.
take it.
soak it up.
and be thankful.

-tell someone you love them everyday.
at least one person.

-make a list of the things this year has taught you.
i guarantee you there's at least ONE thing.

-remember that if you've got your've got your wealth.

-just be.

ok. that's all. for now.

i love you 8 readers. you guys are awesome.
and if you don't have blogs already.
get ONE.
i'll be just as loyal.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

movies movies movies

so many movies.
have been watched.

you'd think i wanted to make them for a living or something ;-)

but tonight. i gave into the Avatar craze.
worth it.
worth it.

i give it two thumbs up.

especially this lil sexy sexy.

sam worthington=yum.

also saw Up in the Air.
another great movie.
don't expect it to be a fairy tale ending.
but that's not life right?
life isn't always wrapped up with a bow.
the acting is wonderful.
george clooney ages like fine wine. so does his acting.
just overall.
good flick.

in other events.
spent far too long(or far too short depending on how you look at it) in B&N today.
barnes and noble.duh.
and i'm incredibly excited about allll my winter break reading...

yes. its backwards. i know.

other than that.
enjoying break.
sleeping. a lot.
and missing my dana boo so much i can hardly stand it!!
take me back to SAN FRAN!


ok. i'm done.
looking forward to spending christmas like any good jew.
with (another) movie and chinese food.

ps. Happy 50th Birthday Momma. I love you endlessly.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

dear winter break,

you took most of my closest friends back to their home states...
which is ok.
but please send them home soon. safely.
i miss them.

in the mean time.
you are awesome.
i love being able to workout at 2 in the afternoon. or 9 at night because i have NO SCHOOL to worry about.
i love to have the ability to read magazines guilt free because i don't have a stack of books somewhere i should be reading for a paper.
i love being able to sleep.
i love the random adventures i'm sure you will bring me.
i love you already. and it's only been a few days.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

coolest chick. ever.

dear natalie portman.
you're amazing.

Monday, December 14, 2009

thank you lainey.

so. my lovely lainey has given me a blog award.
(i had no idea those existed)
and apparently since i've been given said award...there are a few things i must do.

first: post this.

second: list 7 random things about myself....

1. painting is one of the most relaxing things in the entire world for me.
2. i hate superficiality more than ANYTHING. there is more to life than what you wear or own. i'm just sayin. (the best things in life aren't things)
3. i'm a journal girl. i write in mine EVERY night. no matter what.
4. red will forever be my favorite color of all time.
5. give me pizza and a caesar salad. and i'm yours.
6. i suck at returning library books on time.
7. i'm a total night owl.

third: nominate 7 other blogggers.

(here's dreaming big)

so there you have it blog world. my nominees.
and thank you again lainey. i don't know if i deserve such an award, cuz i don't know if i even blog properly...but if you insist ;-)

goodnight bloggers.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

5 things. to 5 people.

1. you are the greatest professor i've had. thank you for inspiring me each and everyday this semester.

2. you are not what i expected. and that seems to be a good thing.

3. you are my sunshine girl even on the rainiest of days. (literally)

4. you are kryptonite.

5. you won't see it until you believe it.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

remember when it was cool to do surveys?

 answer in one word(if you can):

where is your cell phone: charging.
your eyes: hazel.
your favorite thing: blank canvas.
your dream last night: sexy.
your favorite drink: coke zero.
your favorite alcoholic drink: blue moon.(for the beers) strawberry daiquiri.(for the sugary stuff) and tequila.(for a shot?)
your dream/goal: acting forever. having a branch to add to my family tree.
where do you want to live in 5 years: california.
exercise of choice: anything outdoors.
one of your wish list items: an apartment.
one of the things you want to maintain: my ability to love unconditionally.
where you grew up: minnesota girl.
the last thing you did: aim.
what are you wearing: don't get too frisky now!
what you won't tolerate: dishonesty. and ego.
your pets: are perfect.
your computer: is my baby.
your life: is happening right NOW.
your mood: sleepy-ish.
favorite store: urban outfitters. target. michaels. barnes and noble. DONE.
favorite color: red
your hidden talent: if i told you it would no longer be hidden.
when is the last time you laughed: couple minutes ago.
last time you cried: hmmm...been awhile.
three people who sent me a text: mom. pickles. blake.
three of my favorite foods: pizza. salmon. apples.
three places i'd rather be right now: new york. dana's. my dock in minnesota.

the end.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

some things i know for sure.

-i'm surrounded by some of the most amazing friends i've ever had. i've found some lifers. and there are few feelings greater than knowing that.

-i was born to create things.

-when i'm on a stage. nothing negative can touch me.

-you will always be there. as long as i want you there. you will be.

-music may be the best thing in the world. it can make you recall a feeling better than anything else.

-i'm going to be a really great mom.

-i have grown more artistically in my design class this semester than i have in years. and i have my incredibly supportive and talented professor, garry lennon, to thank for that.

-i work better under pressure.

-i'm a challenge to your balance.

-and i'd be lost without this girl

Sunday, December 6, 2009


it's just one of those days.
those moments.
those minutes.
i'll acknowledge it. embrace it for what it is. and let it go....

it's a kick.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

blog. pog. shmog. dog. bog.

first things first...

when did they start putting ads in books??

i've decided to write another sort of..."small pleasures" blog.
because i personally think small pleasures are some of the most important.
so here we go...
simple pleasure one: walking around the halls of the theatre department. i spend almost all my time there anyway, i might as well enjoy it.
i also kinda like that i have no reception in the building. it makes it so the only people who can get ahold of me...are the people with me. which helps me continue to live in the moment.
i've also been trying to make mental memories of the smells, sounds, feelings i get in the building.  i only have two semesters left.
gotta soak it up while i still can.
simple pleasure two: black nail polish. it's my favorite. always. spring. summer. fall. winter. always.
simple pleasure three: barnes and noble. which is self explanatory. i could spend hours there. easily.
simple pleasure four: smooches.

such a simple pleasure. such a wonderful act.
simple pleasure five:  knowing that winter break is quickly approaching. i plan on lot's of painting. reading. exercising. and quality time with my favorites.
simple pleasure six: new books.
simple pleasure seven: cold weather. scarfs. and cuddles.
simple pleasure eight: challenging yourself. whenever you are in a rut. challenge yourself. immediately. just do it.
it's an instant mood changer.
simple pleasure nine: coke zero.
simple pleasure ten: knowing that even if i don't understand it now...everything happens for a reason.

that's all for now blog world.
what are some of YOUR simple pleasures?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dear Creepy Guy at California Chicken Cafe,

you sir. are rude.
you sit at your table with your equally rude guy friends.
not people watching.
at any poor girl who happens to walk past your table.
you then proceed to turn to your table of equally rude friends to evaluate that girl.
yes. i know that's what you're doing based on the way your head goes all the way up. and down.
from her toes. to her head.
or should i say her butt. to her chest.
you nod yes.
you nod no.
who. do YOU think you are?
and then your rude eyes landed on me.
hell no.
you continued to stare as if you couldn't SEE me looking back.

go eat elsewhere next time.