I'm almost always thinking too many thoughts at once and while this can, at times, be incredibly entertaining, sometimes it's a bit overwhelming.
So I've decided to share my fragmented thoughts...some vague, some not so vague...eh, whatever.
You get the point....
-I greatly miss sharing sleep. I figure, if you spend a third of your life sleeping(?) what better way to spend it then by sharing it?
-I'd like to find someone worthy of sharing sleep with.
-Road trips are truly one of my all time favorite things to do, ever. I should go on them more with the people I love. I've always felt that you REALLY learn a lot about a person through the way they road trip. Hours upon hours locked in a little space can reveal lot's.
-Sometimes I think it would be cool to get a brand new wardrobe every season FOR FREE, you'd have to get rid of all your old stuff, but you'd just get all new stuff. Hmmm...but that would mean I'd have to give up my favorite worn in t-shirts...nevermind.
-I want to work at Urban Outfitters simply for the discount.
-Nothing tastes better than thin feels? Ugh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-I desperately want to see As We Go. PLEASE let my tiny midwest town have it at their movie theatre. PLEASE.
-Oh. My. G. I'm going to be in a play this fall.
-I don't know you, but I want to. And I'm so very excited about the idea of getting to know you. And by the thought of listening to your accent...I'm such a dork.
-I miss New York. I don't think I've ever loved a place I've visited more. And I've got no idea why, but I can't get over how romantic I think that city could be with someone. That would be a fun getaway for two. Yes, yes it would.
-I already wish it was Coachella time again. I miss it.
-I'm starting to warm up to the idea of living on my own and that's incredibly scary...and exciting.
-You should really consider checking out this website. Reading it's mission statement. And then purchasing a t-shirt.
Well...that's all for now. I must be up at 6am to start the drive back to the midwest. Oy.
I shall miss thee!
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