Monday, October 5, 2009

i'm a bad blogger.

a really. really. REALLY bad blogger.

so. to make up for my shitty blogness(is that a word? no) here are some fragments for you world.

-i'm in love with everything theatre. i love the rush. i love the feeling where my heart pounds in my chest right before i step on stage...and then relaxes as soon as the light covers me like a blanket. i love the possibility. i love the audience. i love the castmates. i love the directors. i love the unexpected. i love thinking on my feet. i love the laughter. i love the hardwork. i love the long hours. i love the dressing rooms. i love the vocal warmups. i love the hours. i love the end result.

-i'm a little obsessed with my blackberry. i'm sure this love affair will loosen its hold on me over time..but i think i'm forever a blackberry user now.

-i love being busy. this week has been such an odd transition back to "normal" life. i miss having no time. isn't that weird?

-i love pictures. this isn't new. but i thought i'd say it anyway.

-i'm starting to fall in love with everything around me. and realizing it's a beautiful way to live.

-i'm free.

-meeting new people makes me incredibly happy. it's always fun to see who will end up sticking around. what lessons i'll be learning next.

and that is all for now. time to actually write my performance review that i've been putting off for the past 2 hours. oy.





a tree called life said...

yeah... where are you?
i like when you blog siera!

i love theatre too...
it's got a certain smell too, no? is that wierd? i don't know, there is just a stagey smell that always reminds me of theatre. and the cold... and the way everything is super quiet right before everything starts.

i really wanted to see fate, but it was sold out - :(
still want to see you though!!