Monday, October 26, 2009

homework is another word for procrastination...

no. but seriously. it is.

i don't blog enough. and i feel i should explain why...

i enjoy reading blogs. especially fashion blogs. but blogs in general. i love when everyday people inspire me...even if that everyday person happens to be jason mraz (ONE DAY YOU'LL READ MY BLOG I KNOW IT. hah.)
that said.
i don't always feel the internet is a place for a "diary" or a "journal".
when i really want to blog. and fire off all the things i REALLY want to say. it's too personal. and i'm sorry interweb. you just aren't close enough to me to share such thoughts, goals, and frustrations. you aren't gonna hear about my first kisses or my second kisses for that matter. but trust me. kisses happen. oh yes. they happen.

the only drama i on a stage.

that said.
i could blog more.

so i'll end this with some pictures of the wonderful people that brighten my days. mostly because they are so damn attractive.

ok ok. they're amazing in more ways than that...but seriously...really attractive.

peace and love blogspot.



Lainey said...

I miss you.

Mark Donica said...

Still a bit theraputic, eh?